The Hungry Wolves of Van Diemen Land Paul Christensen 9781497540798 Books
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The Hungry Wolves of Van Diemen Land Paul Christensen 9781497540798 Books
Blazed through this novella in two sittings, would have been one, but I was interrupted. Quick read, but highly entertaining and I'm sure it will reward several re-readings. There were several laugh out moments, one in particular had me guffawing for at least a full minute. Another point of the story would have surely reduced me to tears had I just a bit more estrogen in my bloodstream. Very rarely are my emotions so engaged by fiction. This is a prime example of what alt right literature can and should be. I hope Mr. Christensen publishes much more work. Bought this for my kindle and when I can afford it I'll be buying print copies to lend.Imagine a Kiwi Turner Diaries, but well written and not as grounded in fantasy.
Tags : The Hungry Wolves of Van Diemen's Land [Paul Christensen] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Baby Boomer generation (known as 68ers in Europe) pulled out all stops when it came to rebelling against their elders,Paul Christensen,The Hungry Wolves of Van Diemen's Land,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1497540798,Satire,Fiction,Fiction Satire
The Hungry Wolves of Van Diemen Land Paul Christensen 9781497540798 Books Reviews
Great book! The book is just the right size, telling a compelling story without wasting your time. I read it in 2 sittings, not wanting to put it down.
And the message of the fiction is one that needs to be heard in our world today. Long live the Wolves!
A fitting read for any person fed up with the current system, especially for those who are young or new to the movement.
Written from the perspective of a group of teenagers who have found themselves left increasingly abandoned and disenfranchised by the ever increasingly cosmopolitan world, the story carries a feel of anguish and discontent at what the world has become. (A sentiment easily related to by many young people today). Instead of falling prey to the materialistic vices that many members of society nowadays turn to as a way of numbing the existential agony brought on by the nihilistic morass of the modern west, the protagonists 'wage war' against the system through a series of pranks designed to lay bare the true nature of the modern cosmopolitan, and to turn its various members or beneficiaries against one another.
A great read, with more than enough intellectual content to keep you contemplating life as we know it, whilst maintaining a thrilling plot.
Well, no, but now I’ve got your attention… And I can certainly see some reviewers starting out their critics like this.
I should probably start out by saying that my copy of this book smells really nice for some reason, and this means a lot to me.
It is the story of two Tasmanian ‘youths’, who along with the help of their ‘ninja’ offsider Aloysius, wage a three-person war against the hypocritical Baby Boomer establishment, and all things culturally wrong with Tasmania (and the world) today. They do this by playing ‘pranks’, as they call them. You will find, I am sure (as I did), yourself saying to yourself, “why yes, yes, that really is pretty stupid now I think about it. Why do people do that/say that?” The capers these three get up to are also very funny at times.
I’m sure there are a lot of far better reviews of this book out there, written by people who can far better reveal what the book is actually saying on other levels. I’m afraid a lot of the references probably went right over my head – well, maybe whilst hitting me in the forehead as they soured over. Basically, those who once did the rebelling are now being rebelled against, and they don’t like anyone following in their footsteps.
There’s something in here to piss off pretty much everyone, especially if you live in Tasmania, but you just have to keep reminding yourself that it is just a story… or is it?
A readable and engaging story of a group of young Tasmanians who rebel against the morass of modernity and find their way to a kind of nobility. It seems like a book that should especially appeal to teens and twenty-somethings. It starts off with the hero in high school, and I was able to picture every scene in my own high school, even though it's in the US and I was there almost 40 years ago. High school kids haven't changed that much. The protagonists rebel against political correctness, globalisation, and corrupt bourgeois and hippy life style. Pretty much all evil is attributed to the baby boomers in charge of the education system, media, etc. I, as a boomer, think most of this predates us, and was taught to us by some teachers and media, but those of my generation who have power put it in control and ruthlessly enforce conformity. Read it yourself to find out what happens when these young people seek for meaning in a meaningless world and take on the establishment.
essential research document
As we listen to a boomer generation candidate push for globalism,. multiculturalism, and everything the Hungry Wolves are against, this is very apropos reading.
Blazed through this novella in two sittings, would have been one, but I was interrupted. Quick read, but highly entertaining and I'm sure it will reward several re-readings. There were several laugh out moments, one in particular had me guffawing for at least a full minute. Another point of the story would have surely reduced me to tears had I just a bit more estrogen in my bloodstream. Very rarely are my emotions so engaged by fiction. This is a prime example of what alt right literature can and should be. I hope Mr. Christensen publishes much more work. Bought this for my kindle and when I can afford it I'll be buying print copies to lend.
Imagine a Kiwi Turner Diaries, but well written and not as grounded in fantasy.
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